Friday 22 September 2017

Chicken Shed Meeting in Disarray

Back on 9th September, I mentioned the meeting in Clyro about planning permission for a proposed chicken shed there, for intensive rearing of chickens.
I see from the Brecon & Radnor this week that things did not go well:
Clyro Community Council were holding their regular council meeting on Tuesday 12th September. There was a lot of public interest in the meeting, so a lot of people wanted to attend.
Before the meeting, according to the B&R, who interviewed James Gibson-Watt who was present as the local county councillor, there was a briefing for the councillors on making declarations of interest on the planning application. Any councillor who has a personal interest must declare it, and cannot then vote on the matter, having to leave the room during discussion of that item on the agenda.
It seems that, during this briefing, the council clerk resigned - which meant the meeting could not go ahead.
By this time, members of the public were starting to turn up, only to be told that the meeting was private (when the council meeting proper began, it would have to be public).
Then it seems that the council had been going to look at slides of the plans for the application, but the projector was in a side room and couldn't be moved. (It seems to me that they should have been aware that there was a lot of public interest in the matter and have sorted something out in the biggest room available).
So the council meeting didn't go ahead, but now the council clerk has agreed to stay on for a while so the council can continue to hold meetings.
Meanwhile, the matter of the planning application remains unresolved....


Emma Balch said...

Lesley, there is a extraordinary meeting of the community council this week for a final vote on this matter.

Paul H. said...

John Cooper Clarke is at the Globe, soon. Perhaps he can do 'Chickentown' and the council can book a few tables, just to add a few laughs.