Thursday 26 April 2007

Batteries for Mrs Fairs

When I took Islay out for her evening walk, I met Jane and Maddy, her dog, just outside Spar. She said hello quickly and dived in, and I stood outside, making a fuss of Maddy.
A moment later, she was back at the door; "Have you got any money I can borrow? I've only got £4."
I handed her a tenner, and she disappeared again.
A moment later, she was back. "Here's your change - I owe you 50p." She waved a pack of batteries at me. "They're for Mrs Fairs - I was just round at her house, and the remote's given up. I thought I might just have enough in my pocket. I would have gone to Havard's if they were still open - they'd let me owe them."

Several people visit Mrs Fairs to make sure she's all right. She's in her nineties, I think, and she's the widow of Geoffrey Fairs, who wrote the definitive local history book of Hay, now quite sought after. Marina used to walk her spaniel, Brandy, until he died (a horrible dog, and never house trained - it was a relief to everyone when he went).
Mrs Fairs' previous dog was a little Yorkshire terrier. In those days she used to get about by pushing a child's pushchair in front of her, and the dog used to sit on the seat. Later she got a walking frame. When the dog died (of old age, and greatly missed) she found that suddenly, no-one stopped to talk to her when she went out. Before, everyone had stopped to make a fuss of the dog, and have a chat to her. So she went out and bought a life sized cuddly toy Yorkshire terrier, and sat it in the seat of the pushchair - and suddenly everyone started talking to her again!

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