Sunday 2 November 2008

A Few Changes

I don't know - I stop blogging for a week (the young man was here) and all sorts of things have changed round town.
The shop by the British Legion which was formerly known as Sigi has now been taken over by Janette Hill the solicitor. From bras and knickers to conveyancing....
The Wheatsheaf pub now has a big sign outside saying 'Business to Let' - so if there's anyone out there who fancies running a pub in Hay, here's the chance you've been waiting for.
Hay2Go, the travel bookshop near the clock tower, has closed down.
And so, finally, has Denny Parry's little gift shop on Castle Street. Islay will miss that one - she won't be able to go in there to play with Jasper the spaniel and get biscuits any more.
Underneath Nepal Bazaar, where Graham used to have his pet shop, appears to have been taken over by a witch. There's now a rather fine crystal ball in the window, lots of books inside, presumably of an esoteric nature, and it has been renamed Spellbound - with a little sign about sorcery and the imagination. Could be interesting.

Meanwhile in the B&R, there was a very good write up about retiring butcher, Mr Williams. He started working at the shop as delivery boy when he was ten years old - which would have been in the early 1950s - a different world! He finally bought the shop, and slaughtered his own meat round the back originally. He and his wife now live in the converted slaughterhouse, and have a lovely garden that goes right down to the riverside path.
Small Farms Ltd have bought the shop, and it should be open again soon.


Anonymous said...

Keep blogging! We've just left Hay to live in Australia for the next 3 years, so we rely on Lifeinhay to keep us up to date with what's happening back there.
We have a look at least once a week to see what the latest news, property development scandal, etc is and it's always a delight to catch up with the news. Thank you!

Eigon said...

No -thank you! You've brightened up my evening no end!