Tuesday 31 March 2009

Celebrities in Hay

It takes quite a bit to impress me these days - I've seen stars of stage, screen and the book world wandering around Hay for the last twenty years, after all. Yesterday was something a bit special, though. I was told that Sir Keith Thomas was coming to see the boss - he brought some books to sell, and he also bought a couple of books, and he was very pleasant and polite. The name seemed vaguely familiar.
Later, Greg told me that he had an involvement with Oxford University Press, and that he had been Master of Corpus Christi. Well, that's something properly impressive. "And he's written books, too...."
Then it clicked. He was the Keith Thomas - the one who had written Religion and the Decline of Magic, which was one of the set books for the history component of my degree course! Now, that really is impressive!

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