Sunday 6 October 2019

Declaration of Rebellion

Around 50 people met at the Clock tower on Saturday morning to march, behind George the Town Cryer, to the middle of town, where George used the outdoor seating area for Shepherds café as a stage to address the crowd. He was reading Extinction Rebellion's Declaration of Rebellion at 11am, at the same time as speakers all over the country. At the beginning of the speech, he made clear that he had been commanded to make the Declaration by the Mayor.
The girl who organised the Hay School Strike march also made a speech, and then George returned to say a few words of his own, about how he often felt guilt about what his actions were doing to the planet, but that feeling of guilt could be turned into a positive force for change, and that what he saw when he looked at the crowd was hope.
Then another little girl made a speech, and lastly Paul from the local Extinction Rebellion group reminded everyone that a big action is starting on Monday morning in London.
I saw some friends among the crowd, and we retired to Shepherds for coffee (and delicious apple cake) and conversation.

That evening, The Old Electric Shop was opened up for a social evening for the local Extinction Rebellion group. It was an opportunity to get to know each other over a glass of wine (or beer) and nibbles. I had a fascinating conversation about Ursula le Guin's Earthsea books, continued from that morning, when the parcel delivery man had seen me by the Clocktower and delivered my parcel containing the complete stories of Earthsea illustrated by Charles Vess.
The gathering also had the purpose of getting the people who were going to London to take part in the protests sorted out with the messaging system they were using - and there was a video call from John Paul, who has been walking to London. He was camped somewhere near Windsor when he called - the phone and speaker were held up high so everyone could see and hear him. However, he said that his feet had given up, so arrangements were going to be made to pick him up in the electric bus that is travelling down to London, so that he can make it to the opening ceremony.

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