Thursday 20 April 2023

Madrigals (and other events) at the Castle

 Hay Madrigals will be at the Castle on Saturday afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30pm re-creating a domestic music making scene with music from the 17th and 18th centuries.  The event is free, and people are welcome to wander in and out.

This will be shortly after the friendship quilting will have finished - that's happening from 11am until 2pm.

There'll be more music on Tuesday 25th April, from 7.30pm.  An Evening of Musick with Mr Pepys costs £20, and is performed by the baroque ensemble Instruments of Time and Truth.  Tickets available through Hay Castle Trust.

Then on Wednesday 26th April there's a talk about Matilda de Breose by Sharon Bennett-Connoly at 7pm upstairs in the Clore Learning Space.  Tickets cost £10 via the Hay Castle Trust website or at the gift shop in the Castle.

On Friday 28th April at 7pm Professor Paul Hill will be talking about colour in the cities of Venice and Florence.  Tickets are £10, and he'll be talking about artists and architecture in the two cities.

For the evening events, entry to the castle is from the gate on Oxford Road, at the top of Backfold, and not up the steps from the Castle Street side.

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