Sunday 11 February 2024

Pro-Palestine Demonstration in Hereford

 I needed to go into Hereford on Saturday, for some Important Business, and I came across a small but enthusiastic pro-Palestine demonstration, complete with samba band and placards calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

It was the samba band I heard, at first, so I wandered over to the corner by the HSBC bank to see what was going on, and had a short chat with one of the ladies involved.  They weren't specifically targetting HSBC - they were doing a circuit of the town centre.  There were a couple of placards naming HSBC, but I didn't get close enough to the people holding them to find out what the bank's involvement might be.  

So I did the things I needed to do, and caught up with them again outside Barclays bank, where I had a lovely chat with one of the chaps involved.  Here, they were drawing attention to Barclays bank's complicity in the situation in Gaza.  To quote their leaflet: 

"Whether intentionally or not, Barclays has helped facilitate Israel's indiscriminate killing of more than 25,000 Palestinians in Gaza."  They are also calling for a boycott of Barclays until the bank ends its support of Israel, and more generally are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

I hope the governments of the world listen to all the calls for a ceasefire, and do something to stop the Israeli government, before even more people are killed (many of them, of course, children - half of the population of Gaza is under the age of 18).


Anonymous said...

Who started the war? Stop supporting evil Hamas.

Eigon said...

Thanks, Anonymous. I take it you support the killing and maiming of innocent children.
And depending on who you ask, the current situation in Israel/Palestine/Gaza began in 1948 with the Balfour Declaration and the ousting of Palestinian villagers from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers.
Now, I grew up in one of the most Jewish areas of the UK, in Manchester, so I naturally supported the right of Israel to exist - but the Israeli government is committing war crimes. The UN needs to act to help the innocent civilians who are being bombed.

Anonymous said...

has the person who left the comment re hamas been to Jerusalem and seen how badly the Arab population is treated I have and it is not pretty. Although I do not support killing experiencing Jerusalem helped me to understand why a two state solution is the only way forward for as long as discontent continues violence will happen

Anonymous said...

That anonymous commenter should spend time watching the NEWS on Al Jazeera English. Do they have knowledge of Al Nakba ?