Here's part of the Organic Wool Fabric Project display, near the stage - where we also saw the first Wacky Hat competition (the one shaped like a tree stump covered with small animals and flowers won), while we were drinking our Fairtrade teas and coffees and scoffing chocolate cake from Love Patisserie (which is based in Cusop!).
Four of us from Stitch and Bitch went up to Builth Wells together, sharing a car, and we all managed to find interesting yarn to buy.
I was on the lookout for things I could use in my re-enactment displays, so I stocked up with natural dye stuffs from Mulberry Dyers and Fiery Felts. I also got some lucets from Hedgehog Equipment to teach kids the basics of medieval cord making, and a book of more advanced techniques for myself.
Lucy the Tudor, another re-enactor, was there, with various Tudor yarn crafts on display, and also wooden chests for sale. There was a display of traditional fishermen's gurnseys, with stories about the fishermen attached.
And then there was linen, and hemp and wool and angora and silk, traditional woollen mills and "upcycled" garments, leather handbags and Far Eastern traditional clothing, felt art work and patchwork, spinning wheels and hand spindles and looms of all sorts, knitting needles and nostepinnes and crochet hooks and wool carders and felting machines, and jewellery and buttons and handles for bags, and different breeds of sheep, and angora rabbits....
We spent a very happy day there.