Saturday 8 September 2007

A Big Breakfast - and not quite a snake!

Cancer Research took over the Buttermarket today for their Big Breakfast ("just follow the scent of frying bacon"). They turned out to be very enterprising - at lunchtime they went round all the shops to see if the staff wanted a bacon roll, and delivered them, and did very well.

Meanwhile, it was the very last day for the rug shop, with the Closing Sale finally coming to an end. It'll be interesting to see what takes its place.

In the afternoon, as the weather got sunnier, I went up Cusop Dingle. There's a lovely waterfall there, just below the Brynmelin Mill, and there on the side of the road was a slow worm! I was able to crouch down right next to it, and it tried to hide under my basket. Slow worms are harmless, and not even true snakes. This one was dark grey with a thin black line along its body and a very wide pink tongue. It was about 9 inches long. Islay went for a paddle in the stream above the waterfall, and when she came back, I scared the slow worm off the road onto the verge - and they can actually crawl quite fast!

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