Tuesday 23 December 2008

Plans for the Church

I met Betty on the Warren this morning, and we walked back with the dogs together. It was a beautiful morning, with wonderful light effects over the town from the low-lying sun - the sort of morning when you wish you could paint in oils to capture it.
I mentioned that I'd taken Islay to church. "It's a shame they don't do more with that building," Betty said.
"Oh, but the Vicar has plans," I told her. I'd heard all this from Jackie over the Fairtrade lunch. One of the reasons she won't be able to do much with Fairtrade next year is that she's helping to fundraise for the church.
"You know the bit behind the pews?" I said. "They want to put a glass partition up, and have it for coffees after the service, and they want toilets put in, and a kitchen, and fire exit - and if they do all that, they'll be able to seat 200 people for concerts and things."
Betty made approving noises. "We need something like that in Hay," she said. "I'm involved in U3A*, and it's really difficult to find anywhere that seats over 100 people. I don't suppose that new Community Centre will ever get built. Sometimes we go to the Swan, which has a lovely dining room - but I don't find them very friendly. Still, it's best to have a foot in two camps, because the Golf Club is always up for sale, and we need to have somewhere in reserve if they ever do shut down."

*this is the University of the 3rd Age, which gives regular lectures and classes, and tends to be very well attended.

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