Monday 21 December 2009

New Plans for Brecon Library

Last week's B&R is still hanging around the house, and there's a story on the front page which follows up something I wrote about hear a little while ago.
Powys County Council want to re-develop the centre of Brecon, and this would involve knocking down the Library. Earlier in the year, they put a bid in for Lottery Funding to re-develop the Museum site - which badly needs something to be done about it - but the bid failed.
Now it seems they intend to put in a revised bid to the Lottery for the Museum site, which would include a new Library building next door. This would clear the way to re-develop the present Library site.
Maybe the County Council just likes the idea of constant building works in the middle of town for years to come?

Meanwhile in Vita, the free magazine that occasionally comes with the B&R, there's an article about Glasu which includes a picture of Trevor Walder, a visiting engineer from Dubbo in New South Wales, standing on a soap box in the Buttermarket as part of the Hay Speaker's Corner initiative. He was talking about solar panels, apparently. This was set up by the Commonwealth of Hay, and partly funded by Glasu. The last of the three sessions will be on 27th December, if anyone wants a chance to rant over Christmas!

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