Wednesday 7 July 2010

Mentioned in Another Place!

Down the side bar of this blog is a link to the Rosemary Sutcliff blog on wordpress. I had a look at it a few days ago, to find that I've been mentioned in a post about the Hay Festival!

Rosemary Sutcliff was one of my favourite authors as a child - I loved Eagle of the Ninth and all the other stories following the history of the Aquila family through the Roman era and out into the Dark Ages (recently re-published, I believe). I was shocked by the ending of Mark of the Horse Lord (which was also so right for the character), and I was lucky enough to have a good English teacher at secondary school who introduced the class to Warrior Scarlet. It's no wonder I ended up as an archaeologist and historical re-enactor, really, when my imagination had been stimulated by such wonderful stories.

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