Monday 3 October 2011

Ignorance is Bliss?

I'm used to explaining the Sunday Trading Laws to people, every Sunday. The Cinema has to abide by restricted opening hours because of its size, so we open for viewing only before we can sell books to anyone. A lot of people just don't notice trading restrictions in their daily lives, and only come across shops that have to abide by those laws when they're on holiday.
I was surprised yesterday though. I explained to a lady about the new charges for plastic bags, and she was amazed that shops have to pay for the bags they give out! I don't know where she thought the shops got them from, printed up with their own company names and everything, but she'd obviously never given it a moment's thought. She was also amazed when I told her that plastic comes from oil!
Later, we could hear the bidding going on over at the pony sales. I explained about the auctions to another customer, and she said: "I didn't know such things existed!"


Emanation said...

enlightening the world one tourist at a time eh Lesley?

Eigon said...

Something like that!