Tuesday 19 February 2013

Family Reunion

A group of fairly elderly people had gathered in the foyer of the Cinema. One of the party had gone upstairs to look at the military books, and the others were waiting for him.
Just as they were all standing there, the lady from the butcher's in Broad Street came in, to ask if she could park her car in the Cinema car park for a while.
She turned out to be a long-lost cousin!
One of the ladies told me that her gran used to be a cleaner at the Cinema (before it was a bookshop). "There were eleven of us," she said, "in a two bedroom house in Chancery Lane - all the girls in one bedroom and all the boys in the other - and gran and grandad in the bay window downstairs!" Most of the brothers and sisters had gone off to live in Hereford. She said she had 36 cousins.
Another of the ladies told me about her life of crime! When she was about twelve, she came to the Cinema while a film was on, and let down the tires of all the bicycles that were parked there! She was seen by the local policeman, who made her pump them all up again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talking about conversations in bookshops. A couple came into another bookshopin Hay, pointed to the poster of the Photographic Exibition and said "That's thewoman from the Cinema - she didn't tell us shewas a Roman".