Thursday 7 February 2013

More Council Meeting - Mostly Timbuktu

Coming up soon is a chance to see a coppicing demonstration down on the Bailey Walk. These will be held on 13th February and 23rd February. The idea is to show what sort of work goes into maintaining the riverside walks, as well as to collect wood to be used for another project later this year. 2Towns1World has a "Link and Learn" fund, where people in twin towns can learn more about the skills of the people in the other town. In this case, the skill is communal pot firing, and the coppiced wood will be used to fire the pottery kilns. In Timbuktu, they turn the event into a party, with music and food, and it is hoped to do the same sort of thing here, possibly getting the community choir involved, as well as other local musicians. A special pottery sculpture, as a peace monument, will be fired and either kept in Hay or sent to Timbuktu.
Steve Like had grave concerns about the insurance cover, but 2Towns1World and Hay2Timbuktu both have relevant insurance, and Sid Morris, who will be doing the demonstration, also has insurance cover. Ros Garrett and Sid Morris have also done a risk assessment. She's going to be hosting the pot firing at the Community Gardens in September, around Michaelmas.

Sue Felgate, meanwhile, has been having a busy time talking to the national press and BBC about the situation in Timbuktu. The Tuaregs need to be included in the political process in Mali now - a real grievance about being ignored by the powers that be led to the Islamist extremists coming in and taking over. Haymakers were concerned about labelling the jewellery and leather boxes that they sell as Tuareg, because the name has such a bad press at the moment - but it wasn't all Tuareg who were destroying libraries and tombs in Timbuktu, just the ones who were involved with the rebels.

Hay TV have been given an award for their Timbuktu 'stream'.
Girl's football is being played in Mali again - and the team is through to the semi final against South Africa!

The recent forum on Timbuktu at the Swan was attended by 30 to 35 people, and the next one will be either on the 6th March or (as this might clash with another meeting) the following Wednesday. It may be held at the Youth Club, with an idea of moving it around the town to get different people attending.

The regular report on local crime began with the sound of a speeding car racing along Broad Street! Happily, our local PC was able to report a downward crime trend, with 15 crimes reported in the area compared to 19 last year, with 8 of those crimes being in Hay. The two most exciting crimes were a shoplifter in the antiques centre who was caught on CCTV, and a B&B guest running off without paying. The police were called out in the bad weather to accidents, and to deal with the effects of floods and high winds and snow (sometimes all on the same night!) They're also concerned about a recent internet scam which looks as if it is coming from the police. Soon they are hoping to set up a public meeting to meet the new PCSO and Inspector Reed.

And finally, development matters involving the school were mentioned, but there was nothing to report this month.

More coming soon....

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