Friday 19 July 2019

Branches Everywhere!

My landlord came round this morning with his chainsaw to chop down a bush that was overhanging the back of the house - which is brilliant, and I can now see daylight out of my kitchen window!
However, it leaves me with a big pile of twigs and branches to dispose of.
Up until earlier this year it would have been no problem - I could have loaded up my little trolley and trundled it down to the big green waste bins in the car park. However, Powys County Council have now taken those bins away, replacing them with a scheme where householders have to pay for a garden bin to be emptied regularly.
I don't need a garden bin to be emptied regularly. I just have this one-off amount of debris to clear - so what are people like me supposed to do now?
I dare say I'll manage something, but it used to be easy, and it isn't any more.

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