Friday 3 December 2021

Unusual Mead

 I was planning to go away for the weekend to see friends, but the trip had to be called off at the last minute.  So instead, I went Christmas shopping in Hereford.

I did treat myself at the same time.  While passing through the indoor market, I paused by the Gwatkin Cider stall.  I'm not really a cider drinker, but they did have a variety of unusual mead on offer, made by Chalice Mead Company (  They're based in the South Downs.  My eye was caught by the chili mead - but what really interested me was the nettle mead.  The young man on the stall offered me a taste.  "I don't know what they do to it, but it really works," he said.  

It really does work - it's full of flavour and quite robust.

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