Friday 26 May 2023

Festival Friday

 The school buses were at the Festival yesterday - traffic chaos on Broad Street, and more police officers than we usually see for the rest of the year!

I now live over the Old Electric Shop, so I could hear the music from their late opening last night.  In previous years, my house was sheltered from most of the noise in the evenings, but I'm not complaining - the music was pleasant, and didn't go on too late into the night.

A couple of the outbuildings of the Castle have things happening in them - there's a shop selling sheep-themed tshirts and so on, and an exhibition I only got a glimpse of because they hadn't quite opened when I wandered through.

There's bric-a-brac and vintage clothes in the Buttermarket today, and the marquee is going up for Fair in the Square over the weekend.

Later on, I'm ambling up to the Festival site.

And the new Booksellers leaflet is out!  I was in Broad Street Books when Derek Addyman delivered them.  This year, they are black and orange.

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