Every year, I see the lovely white flowers down by the riverside walk, and every year I'm determined to find out what they are called - and remember them for next year!
And every year, I forget again.
Here they are, though, taken not half an hour ago. I like them almost as much as snowdrops.
Meanwhile on the other side of the river, the cowslips are coming out up the hill.
Lesley, they are Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum). Like a taller version of snowdrops.
They are snowdrops! Certainly a member of the Galanthus family - lots of types have little green or yellow patches on the petals. Hard to tell from your picture, but I'll guess at Galanthus plicatus "Trym" or Galanthus Viridapice. I'm sure somebody with a better horticultural brain will know more!
Thank you both! And you're right, Arthur's Dad - Snowflake is the name I remember, now I've been reminded of it.
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