Friday 18 January 2013

New History Group for Hay

I wasn't able to get to the meeting of the Cheesemarket Research Group, but they did send me their minutes, and they have Plans.
For some time they have been in negotiation with Malcolm Smith, who was the head of the History Group in Hay some years ago - it stopped meeting, but could be resurrected in theory. After some thought, though, they have decided to form an entirely new group with no affiliations to the old one, and to this end they have hired the upstairs room of the Three Tuns (one of the most historic buildings in Hay, so very appropriate!) on the 27th February, from 8pm onwards. There they will describe the progress they have made with the Cheesemarket research, and talk about future plans.
One of the future plans is to get involved with the Brecknockshire History Week in September. So far they are thinking about a tour of Hay Castle, a walk around the wells of Hay led by Fiona Howard, a history walk (possibly including the murders of Hay), and a quiz.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for mentioning us. I hope lots of people come to the Three Tuns on 27 Feb. We are involved in lots more exciting projects as part of the Cheese Market renovation programme, including reminiscence projects, historical walks, a mapping exercise with Hay Primary School and a story in a song with Hay Community Choir.