Saturday 19 July 2014

Small Business Saturday

St David's Hospice shop, by the Buttermarket. This used to be Mark Westwood's bookshop, and when he moved away it continued to be a bookshop, on several floors. I used to carry my dog up the stairs when she couldn't walk far any more, to the comic department - the SF and Fantasy books were arranged all the way up the stairs.
The shop was also used in the film Dandelion Dead as one of the solicitors' offices - the side of the Red Cross shop was supposed to be the other office, with Armstrong and his rival peering through the windows at each other. The actual offices are still on Broad Street, but there's a phone box there now which would have been right in the shot - not quite right for the 1920s! For the scene where they drove cattle down Broad Street, the phone box was disguised as a market kiosk with lots of sacking.

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