Saturday, 4 October 2014

Major Roadworks Ahead!

There's going to be a lot of road-mending and resurfacing going on, starting on Monday, when the Bridge will be closed. There's a sink hole in the middle of the road that needs to be sorted out, and they will have to close the entire bridge. After that, they'll be moving up to the Swan (the road has been up so often on that stretch of road over the years that they might as well put a zip in it!). They'll be moving along from there down Belmont Road, which is so narrow anyway that they can't close off one side at a time to resurface - there's just no room.
Gareth Ratcliffe has the latest information on his Facebook page:

"Road Works Update.

Dear all
Here is the first update for you on works next week. On Monday they will start by looking at the sink hole on the bridge so it will be closed in the morning (all other routes through town will be open). If there is no major problem they will move up to by the swan and work their way up church street, Belmont Rd, Broad Street then bridge. You will be able to pass in Church Street then diversions will be in place when they get to Belmont road. HGV will have access to town via diversions via Glasbury or Clyro depending on if they are working on Bridge or Belmont road. The officer said he will let me know when he has more information on Monday re how long they will be on bridge."

It hasn't helped over the last couple of weeks that there has been work going on around the new houses at Millbank and the end of Heol-y-dwr, at the other end of Broad Street, and the workmen there were just putting up Road Closed signs whenever they felt like (or so it seemed). Lorries trying to get to the Co-op were unable to get through by any route - Nantyglasdwr Lane is far too narrow for anything big to get along it, and Brian had to help one lorry reverse up Heol-y-dwr because it couldn't get through.

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