Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Cusop History Society Christmas Meeting

Later on Saturday afternoon, after the Carols from the Front service, I went to the Cusop History Society's Christmas meeting.
Quite a few people are doing research on local history, such as the floods of the early 1960s and how they affected Dulas Terrace. There are photos showing the height of the water in Eric Pugh's book, Old Hay.
Another chap has done a lot of work on Victoria Terrace in Cusop Dingle, built on land auctioned off from the Llydyadyway Estate (this was also mentioned by the chap from Hereford Archives who came to speak a little while ago). He lives in one of the houses, and has been able to find out who lived there back in 1901, and who all the neighbours were, thanks to the National Census (a timber feller, with his wife and six children!). He was able to access the population census free on a PC in Hay Library, and he had a handout including maps and a poster advertising the auction, held at the Crown.

Then we settled down with wine and nibbles for a short film (well, half a film, as they couldn't get the second half to play on the computer), showing the glories of Welsh tourism sometime in the early 1970s. There were some good shots of Brecon Beacons from the air, and Cardiff Castle, and quite a bit from the Eisteddfod, with choirs and druids, and a cattle market.

Another member had brought a recording along of the Ballad of Cusop Dingle, recorded in the early 1970s (so about the same time that the film was made), in one of the local pubs, which brought back a few memories for some of the members.

1 comment:

Les said...

Dear Eigon

I wonder if you could let people know that there will be a bus between Hereford and Hay-on-Wye, i.e. the Hay Ho! bus 39A on Christmas Eve (24th) and New Year's Eve (31st) Buses depart from Hay(Oxford Rd) at 1125,1455 and 1725. Buses leave Hereford Rly Station at 1015,1315 and 1615.

All the Best for the Festive Season.

Les Lumsdon