Saturday 2 February 2019

Mending Shoes

I was passing the Red Cross shop when I saw the shoes - they put a rack outside the door, and this pair was on the top. I was thinking about getting some new black shoes anyway, and these were lace ups with a small heel, more of an ankle boot in shape - and they had that Victorianesque style that would make them perfect for wearing with Steampunk costumes.
Even better, they were in my size.
I tried them on in the shop, and was so pleased with them that I wore them to walk home, stuffing my trainers in my bag.
By the time I got home, the heels had disintegrated.

Still, no problem.
I took them up to Country Supplies. Once a week a local cobbler picks up any shoes that have been left there for him, and brings them back mended the next week. He used to do this from Brin Jenkins' shop on Castle Street until it closed, and then moved over to Country Supplies, so I'd left shoes for him before, and I knew he did a good job. He'd even mended my medieval turnshoes for me once, which impressed me!
The following week, and the heels were good as new - he'd even given the shoes a little polish!

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