Saturday 26 October 2019

Small Business Saturday - Old Electric Bookshop

A new bookshop has opened in Hay!
The Old Electric Shop started off in the actual old electric showroom at the end of Castle Street (now Days Household Goods), but they quickly outgrew that and moved into the old Teddy Bear and Jigsaw Puzzle shop on Broad Street, where they had more room for different units of interesting vintage goods, rugs, furniture, and tailor-made clothing - and a vegetarian café. They were also selling a small selection of new books, mostly on environmental themes.
The books have been expanding, so now the people who run the Old Electric Shop have taken the decision to rent another shop nearby - just above the Clock Tower - just for the books.
I went to the launch party last night, which was packed out despite the awful weather. Unlike most of the secondhand bookshops in town, who want to make maximum use of their shelf space to put as many books out as possible, the Old Electric books are mostly displayed face on, so the cover is visible, on shelves and tables. There are also potted plants, and the whole effect is light and pleasant to browse in. I saw some interesting books that I may go back for - and it's very rare that I buy new books!

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