Friday, 15 November 2019

Re-lining the Car Park

This is the car parking area in the middle of Hay, the Market Square.
I was chatting to someone the other day who couldn't understand the reasoning behind the new lay-out. Four spaces have been taken away underneath the castle wall, which does make sense because they will be building a new route down into the square there shortly, so it wouldn't be safe to park just below where the work is taking place.
The problem comes in the centre of the space, where there are now two spaces for vehicles carrying disabled people, with extra space to unload wheelchairs and so on. It's a very good idea to provide extra disabled parking. Unfortunately, five ordinary spaces have been taken away to fit the new spaces in.

1 comment:

FloralImages said...

I don't agree - in fact it's a pity the plan that eliminated that car park was not chosen! Disabled spaces in Hay - yes of course. Short stay for loading and unloading - yes. But for other parking the main car park and walking is better for everyone.