Tuesday 9 June 2020


This year the Harp Summer School will not be happening, but Glasbury Arts have found something good to do instead.
As part of the Summer School, Glasbury Arts got together with Gwernyfed High School so that ten pupils could learn to play the harp. They want to extend the programme to at least two more schools, and over a three year period rather than one year.
Learning the harp is expensive - they estimate it costs between £8,500 to £10,000 to provide two harps plus tuition for a year. There are grants from the Welsh Assembly to assist music teaching in schools, but it's very difficult for children in State schools to be able to learn what is, after all, the Welsh national instrument. At the moment, the organisers say that harp playing would die out in Wales if it were not for tuition in fee-paying schools.

So the idea is that harp players should get together to raise money, by playing in the Harpython. They can play on their own or in groups on Facetime, Skype or Zoom for two hours on the following dates: 27th or 28th June and 4th or 5th July, between 10.30am and 12.30. Solo harpists can play for one hour, and they get people to sponsor them via Just Giving.
For further information, contact john.fitzgerald@glasburyarts.co.uk

The project is dedicated to the memory of Jeffrey Babb.

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