Tuesday 24 August 2021

The WW2 Living History Field


I've always wanted to get this close to a Spitfire!

There was a great variety of groups on Cae Mawr over the weekend.  As well as the Spitfire, there was a rather wonderful traction engine:

The local fire brigade were there, and the Cadets, and there were some modern Army vehicles at the top of the field.  
ENSA were there - with a chap singing George Formby songs (the coffee van man said he'd memorised them all by the end of the weekend!)
There were American GIs and a group of Wehrmacht, and a tent demonstrating what the Observer Corps did.
There was a group of First World War soldiers there, and someone displaying his grandad's tools.
There was a big contingent of Land Army girls (some of them turned up for the concert on Friday afternoon).  I loved the local touch on their hay wain:

Everybody got drenched on Saturday morning, but the weather was better for the rest of the weekend.  There was even some sun by Sunday afternoon!

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