Wednesday 31 March 2010

Running Round Like a Mad Thing

Bit of a hectic week this week.
I spent Monday evening in the Blue Boar, at the Fairtrade meeting. The Fairtrade movement in Hay seems to have developed a momentum of it's own, and we had a very productive meeting, including plans for a plant sale at Cwmbach in May (in association with a group which helps street children in Southern India), and a town picnic on the Warren later in the year. Watch this space! Or the Fairtrade Hay blog, for further details. Members of the group have also been talking to the Council and Chamber of Commerce, who have been very supportive.

We were at the Blue Boar kind of by default. The meeting was originally going to be at the Three Tuns - but we all forgot that the Three Tuns is always closed on Mondays. Then one of the group went up to the Globe, which had Open signs up, but was quite firmly closed, and so we headed up the hill to the Blue Boar. By this time, another member of the group had come down in her car - and Islay made a bee line for the open car door. If there was a lift in the offing, she was going to be in on it. She then spent the rest of the evening toasting her tummy in front of the real fire, and being fussed by complete strangers in the pub. She had a great time, and she wore her smart new collar (thanks, Carol).

Yesterday, I was at a sort of combined meeting, part of which was planning a future edition of Hay-on-Wire (with an emphasis on dog poo and boy racers), and part was working out what the Commonwealth of Hay, as an independant state, should do about the forthcoming General Election - and part of it was scurrilous gossip, much of it furnished by Boz, who knows all the stories that are unfit to print (as they used to say).

Tomorrow night I'm out with the Stitch and Bitch ladies - and then I can fall over for a bit!

And we've had snow today! Again! Are we ever going to have a summer?

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