Monday 8 July 2013

Open Evening at the Castle

Hay Together are holding an Open Evening on Friday, from 5 - 7pm, in the cobbled courtyard at the top of the driveway to the Castle. This is to show off their new offices, exhibition space and meeting room.

(I had thought to go to the Council Meeting tonight, but I'm still full of a cold, and I have to get up unusually early tomorrow.... so on the whole, I'd rather stay at home).


Anonymous said...

A cold in this weather? Oh no! Extra horrid! Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

How are we to find out what went on in the council without your blog? Come on, we rely on you, get well and get on with the (self inflicted) job!!!!!!!

Eigon said...

I shall be back to it for the next meeting!

Anonymous said...

Quick snapshot of the council meeting: most of the town council seemed to not be against the Resident Parking Permit scheme except for cllrs Birch & Powell (well done to those 2 for their stand against this awful scheme). It's sad that those members that actually think this is a good idea, seem unaware that this parking scheme is a terrible idea, that will force all residents with cars to pay up to £215 per car per year, and £365 per year if you have 2 cars! And this is no solution at all!! We need extra parking here in Hay, not another scheme to charge residents and discourage visitors and tourists!!

Anonymous said...

Not a terrible idea at all. If I'm forced ad infinitum to move my car from the town every morning, and bring it back every night to avoid a parking ticket, then I'll be moving my business out of town. The biggest disincentive to tourism I hear about on a fairly regular basis is the cost of eating in Hay. I can't recall any of my regulars complaining about parking, and it's ludicrous that I have to spend money on fuel to make room for tourists when the car park is quite often not full. And under a rational scheme, no-one will be forced to pay anything if they don't want to, as I understand it. They just don't get a permit. This looks like one of the things the council might actually get right.


Anonymous said...

Old Misery Guts on the Town Council opposes everything. He'd oppose himself given half a chance.