Monday, 7 July 2008

School Fete and Fairtrade

The best laid plans of mice and men (gang aye agley).
There was nothing anyone could do about the weather, and there was periodic torrential rain. Ruth and Anne manned the Fairtrade stall, despite the absence of the new Fairtrade leaflets, which were supposed to be launched at the school fete. They sold Fairtrade Cola and had a raffle of Cafe Direct items.
Unfortunately, it seems that the leaflets were there all along - they just didn't get passed on to Anne and Ruth. After being dropped off at the school, one box of leaflets was put out when they were setting up, where the Fairtrade stall was going to be - and then the heavens opened, and in the confusion, they were left outside and got soaked. No-one knows where the other box is.
So the official launch of the Fairtrade directory for Hay is going to be delayed somewhat.

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