Thursday 18 September 2008

Free entertainment at the Co-op!

It's Rose's last day in the bookshop today - she lives quite a distance from Hay, and she wasn't looking forward to arriving and leaving in the dark again this year. However, she has left a little tin of biscuits under the desk especially for Islay, when she comes in.

Later, I went up to the Co-op. A lady outside told me that they'd had a theft recently of something like 30 wire baskets. Who wants that many supermarket baskets, unless they're setting up a supermarket themselves?
Inside, I queued up at the till behind a disabled lady - she drags one foot and can't use her arm on that side - and I was glad I did. She was buying a big pile of shopping, and at one point, she had three assistants running round after her. "And they're all young men, too!" The lad on the till was keeping up a running commentary: "I've got two bananas here - how many did you have, Maggie?"
"I had three."
"Here it is, under here."
"And don't fill those bags too full," she said. "My mother-in-law nearly had a heart attack last time she tried to lift one."
Eventually, it was all bagged up and paid for, and young Luke turned his huge smile onto me. "Sorry to keep you, madam. Glad you decided to shop at the Co-op. And are you enjoying your shopping experience?"
"I am today!" I giggled.
"I'm not paid any extra for all this," he added.
He should be - he brightened up the day of everyone who could hear him.

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