Thursday, 25 August 2011

....and Back to Gappy Again

Distinctly less than impressed again - just about 24 hours after I got the tooth back, it cracked across again. I was only eating bread and jam.
And the dentist who did it is on holiday until Tuesday....

I should really have been at the meeting about car parking this evening, since it's an issue that local people are very concerned about, but I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm after the tooth went again - and I work until 7pm anyway, which is the time the meeting started. Having taken the dog out for her much needed 'comfort break' and fed her, the meeting would be well under way by the time I got there. I'm sure I'll find out what went on pretty quickly, though.
Meanwhile, on the way down to the river bank, I passed 4 cars parked on double yellow lines, one of them right up on the pavement so I could barely squeeze past with the trolley.
I'm now about to drown my sorrows with a bottle of Hobgoblin.

1 comment:

Arthur's Disco Dad said...

So the Powys Gas Board van parks right outside my window this morning on double yellow lines while he goes off to attend to an emergency further up Bridge Street. When he goes back to his van to collect something I say to him, "I understand you are on an emergency call but do you think you might switch off your rotating orange light. It's like a disco in my front room." "Oh I can't do that" he said, "It's a hazard, see." "Well, there are plenty of legal parking spaces round the corner on Broad Street." "Oh, I can't do that. I'd have to walk back, see."
