Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Council Meeting - New School?

The lease on the Council Chambers is under review at the moment, and the timing is dependent on the building of the new school, because the offer from the County Council is that the Town Council can keep using the building until two months after the school is ready, at which time they will move into the school building for meetings, and to have the Town Clerk's office there.
There are tenants in the offices in the Council Chambers, and two offices available to rent (well, the second will be ready by the end of the month) but if the future is uncertain, tenants won't want to make a commitment, and the town council will lose rental income.
There's also the matter of the roof, which is in a fairly dodgy condition, and the town council don't want to be lumbered with a huge bill for mending it, if it starts to leak in the next couple of years.
There was mention, during the discussion, of how the library used to be housed in the Council Chambers - and if the present library is closed, it could be moved back to the Council Chambers for a while. Again, the library is supposed to be moved into the new school building - when Hay gets a new school building.
The Welsh Assembly has money to build the new school - but said they wouldn't release it until Llanigon School closed down. That's now going ahead, so the money should be available. The date for the new school to be completed is now late 2016.

Meanwhile back at the existing school there has been a governor's meeting, and they are sick to death of Powys County Council. They say there is not sufficient money to run the school and they are fed up of putting band-aids on band-aids to keep it running. The kids are great, and the teachers are doing their best, but they are being let down by the authorities.

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