Thursday 28 April 2022

King Richard in the Honesty Garden


I was passing the door to the Honesty Garden when Elizabeth came out, and when she saw me she said I had to come and see!

This is the relief bronze of King Richard Booth, newly installed in the wall facing the garden door.  The steps up to the castle go behind the wall, and they're planning to do some planting around the statue, and maybe have a bench there.

"We should say it's good luck for authors to rub his nose!" Elizabeth said.

"But it's Richard!" I said.  "It should be something to do with second hand books!"


Anonymous said...

I can't help wondering if Richard have wanted a bronze bust of himself there? The castle has had an obscene amount of money thrown at it!

Eigon said...

The Castle needed all that money to renovate it. Richard, bless him, never maintained any building in his life, and now the Castle has been saved for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

The castle could have been preserved at a much lesser cost!

Eigon said...

Could it? Were you involved in the planning process?

Anonymous said...

a very dismissive reply - all points of view deserve respect

Eigon said...

So, your opinion is that less money could have been spent on the Castle renovation.
On what basis do you hold this opinion?
What is your evidence that less money could have been spent?

Anonymous said...

wrong Anonymous I an afraid! I wassimply commenting on the dismissive attitude of your response, which has appeared again. All opinions should be accepted and valued.

Eigon said...

Is it dismissive to want to find out what sort of inside knowledge you have of the spending on the Castle renovation?
And if you don't know anything about it, and continue to post anonymously, why should anyone take your opinions seriously?

Anonymous said...

what I am saying has not been understood. My inital comment concerned the way a person's opinion had not been valued and was not about funding and how it was used. I am not interested in or commenting about that. Maybe you might have knowledge of the funding issues, which I am not interested in, but what concerned me was the way the first person was dismissed. An opinion was voiced and one can have an opinion without knowledge and should be respected.

Eigon said...

If I have two Anonymous commenters, how am I supposed to tell them apart?

Anonymous said...

immaterial - respect both - that is nwhat I am saying!

Eigon said...

What is disrespectful about wanting to know more about a commenters reasons for commenting?
And again, how can I know that a different commenter is making a different point if they don't identify themselves, and are indistinguishable from the first commenter?
I also stand by what I said. Why should I respect an opinion which is not based on facts?