Monday 7 April 2008

Stilts...paint...and watercress

Spar isn't the only shop having a refurbishment at the moment - the Florists is too. When I looked inside this evening, one of the workmen was walking about the shop on stilts - presumably so he could get up to work on the ceiling. It looked more fun than scaffolding!

As I walked the dog around the path that links Forest Road and the car park, I came upon a patch of white paint beside the back gate to the school grounds, together with a little wardance of white footprints. One set of footprints headed off towards Forest Road, and the other set, with most of the paint, got almost as far as the car park before it petered out. There was no paint pot on the scene, so they obviously fled with the evidence.

I took Islay along the path behind the alms houses, past Swan Well, and found the Desert Rat standing in the stream just below the spring. "Watercress," he said. "That'll make a nice sandwich. You've got to be careful you don't get any brooklime in with it."

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