Friday 20 November 2009

Children in Need Coffee Morning

"We've come to drink coffee for Jesus!" announced the man as he entered Pam's house.
"Children in Need," she said.
"Well, them too," he grinned, and sat down to coffee and a slice of coffee cake.

Pam does a coffee morning every year for Children in Need, but this year she was away visiting her children, so it was a bit of a last minute rush to get publicity out. There weren't as many people coming to her house, but she also does a delivery service to the local shops and library and post office, where people can't get away from work to come.
And the cakes were the WI's finest - coffee, lemon drizzle and Victoria sponge.

It's actually been one of those serendipitous days when all sorts of unusual things happen.
After an interesting conversation with the man who wanted to drink coffee for Jesus and his friend, I set off for the launderette and met a local chap who has chronic health problems - and realised just how much appearances can mislead. I had no idea that he wrote poetry in French! Pretty good poetry, too, from the English stuff he showed me - but he said that he found French was a better language to write poetry in.
Having left the laundry to do its thing, I headed down to the Drill Hall to book a ticket for the Winter Festival. They're doing a talk on the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen that looked interesting. I ran into Sally on the way, and she decided on the spot that she wanted to go too (while Islay tried to climb into her car - she loves going out with Sally).
And then I got a slightly desperate phone call in the afternoon from a friend whose son is appearing in a Victorian Christmas play at school - and could I help with the costume? She gave me a Victorian poke bonnet last year (which obviously wouldn't work for a boy) but she went away with a few items that could help the wardrobe along.

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