Monday 13 January 2014

Hay Together at the Globe

Hay Together are holding monthly management meetings, to which all are welcome, at the Globe. The first one will be on Thursday 16th from 6pm to 7.30pm and the Globe will be putting a film on downstairs for anyone who wants to bring children along. They'll be talking about current projects and are inviting comment, suggestions and guidance on ideas for the future.
It seems like a good chance to find out what Hay Together is all about, for those who are unsure.


Anonymous said...

This would be an excellent opportunity for the Hay Town Councillors to come along and discover what Hay Together is really all about and how beneficial it is to the town. I'm sure they will be pleasantly surprised.

Anonymous said...

And did they?

Anonymous said...

wot appened then?

Eigon said...

I wasn't able to get to that meeting, I'm afraid (if I tried to get to all the meetings in Hay I'd have to clone myself!). There will be more news about Hay Together when I can get it.