Sunday 23 February 2014

Hay Feminists Eat Curry

Usually, the Hay Feminists meet at the Globe, when I'm at work, but yesterday evening they decided to go out for a curry instead. It wasn't intended to be anything other than a fun night out with like minded people - I think the Globe meetings are a bit more serious in tone.
Seven of us turned up at Red Indigo - the booking had been online, and Liz wasn't sure if it had got through, but they found a table for us even though the place was packed, and the food was delicious, as always.
There was quite a mixture of people - among them the lady from Jones the Brewers, and people I knew from Stitch and Bitch and the Fairtrade group. Conversation ranged widely, including education - well, with a home educator and a teacher there, the subject was bound to come up! Everyone who knew anything about it agreed that Steiner schools were very strange indeed and Steiner himself had been barking mad.
Later on, a few of us went on to Tomatitos, where I found myself discussing hard science fiction and real ale, and trying to persuade the non-sf reader present that things had changed since the days of 1950s-style White Men in Space! And I must add Alistair Reynolds and Neal Stephenson to my reading list. The most recent good SF I've read is probably Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy.
It's not often I roll home at midnight - it was a really good evening, and I hope they do it again some time.

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