Saturday 18 November 2023

No Boots in Hereford

 Well, there are plenty of boots in Hereford, but none of them were what I was looking for - and I went into every shop that sold boots!

I thought it would be fairly easy to fulfill my requirements - I needed a pair of light brown, tall boots with a low heel.  I didn't care if they had zips or laces or were pull on.  They could be plain or decorated.  The important thing was light brown, and low heel.

I'd tried in Hay, first of all.  There's a lovely pair of boots in Golesworthy's that I tried on, but they were obviously made for someone with stick-like legs, because I couldn't get the zip to fasten all the way, and I don't have fat legs.  I just have healthy calves from doing a lot of walking.

So I assumed I'd have more choice in Hereford - and I was wrong.  There were plenty of black boots, and a few dark brown boots.  The only boots that came even vaguely close to what I was looking for were either nearly thigh length (which would just be silly) or, again, too narrow for the zip to fasten.

So I came home, logged onto ebay, and found a suitable pair for a reasonable price in two minutes.

No wonder our shopping centres are dying!

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