Tuesday 27 March 2007


I went into Brecon this morning.
When the bus pulled up at the Craft Centre, one man got off. I've seen him round Hay quite often. He always wears a long black leather coat and carries a wicker basket with a little teddy bear in it.
The woman I was waiting with said; "I'd love to ask him why he carries that around with him, but I don't dare."
The bus driver hadn't noticed. "Maybe he wants it to talk to," he suggested.
We realised that none of us had seen him talking to anyone, apart from paying for his busfare.

The pipeline has got as far as Glasbury now. The speed they're working is certainly impressive.

When I came back from Brecon, the man in black was at the bus stop waiting to get on. The teddy bear was sharing his basket with the shopping. Ginger was there too, on her way to her volunteering at the RSPCA shop in Hereford. Her hair is short and grey/white now, but when she was a girl she wore it in a long red plait, and the nickname has stuck all her life.

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