Friday 30 March 2007

"Oh, my God! People are reading this!"

In fact, people I know are reading this!
I know this for sure now because Ann Brichto stopped me in the street this morning to compliment me - and ask me if I would like to join her communications committee.
"If we had someone blogging in Timbucktoo as well, that would be great!" she said enthusiastically.
I'm not sure what this will involve exactly, but it sounds interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lesley.
Just thought I'd confirm by way of a comment who one of your other readers is!
I go to Hay about three times a year and love the place. Your blog gives a fascinating insight into far more than the "little town of books" being just about books.
I might be up again this Easter weekend as I'm on the hunt for another particular novel...
Are you a bookseller with one of the shops?

Eigon said...

Thank you, crimeficreader. This is what I'm aiming at - a behind the scenes view of Hay.
I used to sell science fiction, but now I just work in various bookshops around town.