Friday 1 February 2008

Signs of Spring?

The severe weather hasn't arrived here yet. There's a powdering of snow on the Black Mountains, and there were a few flurries of snow in Brecon this afternoon, but nothing worse than that yet.
On the other hand, the pair of swans has been back around Booth Island, checking out their nesting site - which is only a couple of inches above the river level at the moment. They raised five cygnets last year, but I think they must have lost them all in the summer floods - they'd left the nest by that time, but they usually hang around until they get pretty much adult size, and last year they all just disappeared.
There are snowdrops out all over the place now, my favourite spring flower by far, and up on the Wyecliff, there is a bank covered with golden yellow flowers that look as if they might be related to buttercups. They're not in my Observer book, so they might be a garden escape, and they really brighten up a shady corner.


Molly Loves Paris said...

I'm from Portland Oregon and I have been in Hay-on-Wye. Your country side is much like ours - green and wild. Here where I live the severe weather has been everywhere but here. We watch the news and we think "What are they talking about - snow!" But we are also getting the signs of spring. I saw the snowdrops just the other day and I expect the crocuses and daffodils any minute. There are shoots poking out on my roses and the birches are looking fuzzy. I love seeing the signs that spring is coming.

I think you would love to visit Portland. We have the largest and most wonderful bookstore in the world - Powells. When we were in your town we saw a big stack of boxes in a large book store that said Powells Books on the outside. What a surprise that was. I've been in bookstores all over the world and I love Powells the best.

Eigon said...

I bet the boxes from Powells were in Booth's Bookshop - he goes over to the States a lot.

I went over to the States years ago to visit a friend who was in university somewhere near Boston - beautiful countryside round there (but cold - it was in March that I went). I'd love to see other parts of the States some time - when I have some money!