Thursday 28 August 2008

Happy Hay!

Or so says the BBC - so it must be true!
I missed it - I never watch TV in the mornings, so BBC Breakfast passed me by. I heard, though, that there has been a survey, and that Powys has emerged as the happiest place in the country (Edinburgh is the most miserable). So there was a roving reporter in Hay, interviewing locals to find out if we really are happier than people in other parts of Britain.
I thought it was interesting that, as well as being happiest, we are also the most sparsely populated area in Britain.
We also have one of the highest levels of dog ownership in the country. The Guardian did a distribution map a few years ago, and it doesn't surprise me. Are dog owners generally happier than people without pets?
Anyway, there's a little video clip on the BBC website, which is quite fun.
The butchers' in Broad Street has written "HAPPY HAY" with each letter on a separate paper bag, and laid them out in the window.

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