Saturday 10 January 2009

New Buildings

I walked up past the doctor's surgery this morning, and noticed that the little bit of land between the surgery and the new house is now all fenced off, and the old wild hedge has been grubbed up. A digger and two dumper trucks are parked in the middle of this. I think there were plans to put more houses there when the first house was built.
Meanwhile, in the big field behind Black Lion Green, work has been going on for some time. I thought at first it was more new houses, but then I saw a poster about the new Cusop Village Hall - so it's much more likely to be that. I went and had a nosy round a week or so ago, and the foundations do look more hall-like than anything else, with space for a car park at the front, and the little road, and pavement, being extended round the corner of the last old people's bungalow in the row. They 've put in one of those big ball shaped things for the sewage just down the slope, too.

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