Thursday 21 May 2009

Meet the Super Women Who Make Hay

That's the headline on the front of the new Haywire.

When I started this blog, I thought I'd stay in the background, just talking about Hay because it's such a wonderful place to live. I didn't expect to be hogging the limelight!
But there I am, in the centre spread of Haywire, along with seven other Hay ladies.
Doug's interviewed Sally of Fleur de Lys about moving her business up the road, Rachel from the Old Stables about her prize-winning cafe, Joanne - a musician who's been treated for cancer at the Haven Breast Cancer Complementary Centre in Hereford, Carole from Jones's Home Hardware shop (who is always cheerful), Mary Fellowes the deputy mayor and B&B owner - and chair of Dial-a-Ride, and a school governor, and president of the local Conservative Association, and finally Annie Day and Jo Lord who are in training to run the Marathon des Sables across the Sahara - 150 miles of it! They also work at the Wholefood shop, and Jo is a potter.

When I saw Doug today, he said he'd been threatened with violence over a piece he wrote in the last issue! "Beneath that civilised veneer, violence lurks!" he said darkly.

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