Saturday 14 January 2012

Meetings at the Swan

The Fairtrade Group met at the Swan last night, to discuss plans for Fairtrade Fortnight (for more details, go across to the Fairtrade Hay blog - link on the side bar).
Before the meeting got going, we were given a gentle hint that the management would appreciate it if we all bought a drink! The room we use is given for free, after all. Apparently, some other groups who shall remain nameless have been meeting, but not drinking. "What about Stitch and Bitch?" Jo asked, knowing that I belong to that group too.
"Oh, they drink more than anyone!"

Also, before the Fairtrade business could be discussed, there were other considerations - Friendship cake to be passed on, for instance. This is a cake that is made with a mixture that ferments, and fermented portions of the mixture are passed on to grow and make more cakes in their turn.
And there were the eggs from Jo's chickens that were snapped up, too (they're popular with the Screen at Hay committee, too).

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