Friday 13 January 2012


On the grounds that some of Foxwhelp Morris side come from Hay, head over to youtube and type in "Dorstone Wassail". It's the first time for a hundred years that there has been a wassailing celebration in Dorstone, to bless the apple trees so that they produce lots of lovely cider next year. Herefordshire is very much an apple producing county (and hops, of course) and wassailing used to be common. It looks as if it's making a come back - they got a good crowd, and the pub was packed out afterwards!
I was also told of a good night of wassailing in Eardisley - cars parked up and down the main street when my informant went out there by chance for a meal out, and they got to see the procession with flaming torches.


Homoelectric said...

Some lovely pics of the Eardisley wassailing here Lesley:

(note to self: must go next year!)

alistairphillips101 said...

And some photos of the Dorstone wassail:

Wassail courtesy of Pips Cider Ltd