Sunday 3 April 2016

Toledo Steel

It was the Roman helmet that first attracted my attention.
The Buttermarket is being used for regular Friday Flea Markets now, and one of the stall holders specialises in antique weaponry - and replicas. I suspect the Roman helmet was originally made for a re-enactment group such as the Ermine Street Guard.
When I got closer, I could see all the sharp pointy things, including a rather beautiful rapier. The stall holder was kind enough to let me hold it - it's a little longer than I'm used to, more like my hand-and-a-half, but beautifully balanced. I was just doing the basic moves with it (slowly - I didn't want to accidentally hit anyone!) when Susan who comes to the Baskerville acoustic evenings came past. She said something about me having hidden depths!
Sadly, I can't really justify spending £350 on a genuine Toledo blade (but there was an executioner's axe that I know the Young Man would like....).

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