Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Chicken Shed in Clyro Update

Tomorrow, at noon, the planning application for the proposed chicken shed in Clyro will go before the County Council.
Now, the community council, after a campaign opposing the application, did vote against it, but that wasn't the end of the story. The County Council Planning Committee can overturn that decision. The Planning Officer has written a report - which is broadly in favour of the application, and this report will be presented to the Planning Committee.
The application number is P/2016/0397 and it's 74 pages long. This is because it has details of all the discussions of the Community Council, and the Highways Department, and the Ecological Report, and so on, and lays out the conditions for the approval of the application in detail as well. The overall recommendation of the document is to approve the application, as long as the 33 conditions they list are met. These include complying with various Wildlife legislation (such as - if evidence of dormice is found, work should cease immediately, also great crested newts). There's also quite a bit about highway safety.
The proximity of the Black Mountain View Caravan Park is also mentioned - and according to the Environmental Health Officer, any odours from the chicken sheds are within guidelines, so they have no concerns about the development going ahead. They are also satisfied that dirty water from the site will not be discharged into the River Wye, but be collected in a septic tank.
The Woodland Trust and Radnorshire Wildlife Trust have also laid out their objections to the application in the document - there is ancient woodland close by. The Tourism Officer also has concerns, having met with the owners of the Caravan Park.
One slightly strange thing is that the document says that there have been 104 letters of objection to the application, and a petition of 41 names. I'm pretty sure there were a lot more than 41 people who signed the petition that was going round during the campaign against the chicken sheds!

[Edited to add: The planning application was passed by the County Council, so the chicken sheds will be built.]

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